Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The USANA Lifetime Matching Bonus Program

The USANA Lifetime Matching Bonus Program

A powerful, and sometimes overlooked, feature of the USANA Compensation Plan is the Lifetime Matching Bonus Program which allows Associates to earn a weekly lifetime matching bonus on every qualified USANA Associate they personally sponsor – up to 15% of their weekly commissions!

Before getting into the details of the Lifetime Matching Bonus Program, we must first define two terms – “Premier Platinum PaceSetter” and “Premier PaceSetter”:

Become a “Premier Platinum PaceSetter”

  • You can become a Premier Platinum PaceSetter when, within the 8 weeks immediately following your initial enrollment date, you personally sponsor a minimum of four new Associates who then activate 1 or 3 Business Centers and collectively generate 1,600 Sales Volume Points (SVP).
  • Finalized: Your Premier Platinum PaceSetter status will be finalized after the greater of two dates:
    • End of the eight-week Premier PaceSetter qualification window
    • 31 days after the purchase that brought your combined SVP total to 1,600

Become a “Premier PaceSetter”

  • You can become a Premier PaceSetter when, within the 8 weeks immediately following your initial enrollment date, you personally sponsor a minimum of two new Associates who then activate 1 or 3 Business Centers and collectively generate 800 SVP.
  • Finalized: Your Premier PaceSetter status will be finalized after the greater of two dates:
    • End of the eight-week Premier PaceSetter qualification window
    • 31 days after the purchase that brought your combined SVP total to 800

If you do not achieve “Premier Platinum PaceSetter” or “Premier PaceSetter” status, you will be qualified as an “Associate” for the purposes of the USANA Lifetime Matching Bonus Program.

The USANA Lifetime Matching Bonus is earned as follows –

If you are an “Associate”:

·         You will earn a 2.5% Lifetime Matching Bonus on everyPremier PaceSetter you personally sponsor

·         You will earn a 5.0% Lifetime Matching Bonus on everyPremier Platinum PaceSetter you personally sponsor

If you are a “Premier PaceSetter”:

·         You will earn a 5.0% Lifetime Matching Bonus on everyPremier PaceSetter you personally sponsor

·         You will earn a 10.0% Lifetime Matching Bonus on everyPremier Platinum PaceSetter you personally sponsor

If you are a “Premier Platinum PaceSetter”:

·         You will earn a 10.0% Lifetime Matching Bonus on everyPremier PaceSetter you personally sponsor

·         You will earn a 15.0% Lifetime Matching Bonus on everyPremier Platinum PaceSetter you personally sponsor

As you can see, the USANA Lifetime Matching Bonus Program is extremely lucrative and becomes increasingly so as you qualify as aPremier Platinum PaceSetter and personally sponsor other Premier Platinum PaceSetters.

For example:

If you are a Premier Platinum PaceSetter and personally sponsor a new Premier Platinum PaceSetter who goes on to become a Gold Director earning, for example, $52,000 per year in commissions, you would earn 15% of their commissions, or $7,800 per year, in addition to your own commissions for the life of your USANA careers.

If you are a Premier Platinum PaceSetter and personally sponsor a new Premier Platinum PaceSetter who goes on to become a Diamond Director earning, for example, $208,000 per year in commissions, you would earn 15% of their commissions, or $31,200 per year, in addition to your own commissions for the life of your USANA careers.

Remember, whether you are an Associate, Premier PaceSetter or Premier Platinum PaceSetter, there is no limit to the number of personally sponsored Premier PaceSetter or Premier Platinum PaceSetters you can earn Lifetime Matching Bonuses from!

The key to maximizing your Lifetime Matching Bonus earnings is to become a Premier Platinum PaceSetter yourself, and then help everyone you personally sponsor into USANA become a Premier Platinum PaceSetter, too!


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