Thursday, May 14, 2015

What Is USANA?

USANA manufactures the highest-rated, most effective nutritional supplements and health care products in the world. Our products are the best money can buy.
We offer our products to customers through a process called direct selling. Direct selling is a little different. It’s not the status quo. It’s not how people are used to buying what they want—after all, wouldn’t it be easier if you could just pick our products up at the grocery store? Yeah, we get that a lot.
USANA Products 2012
Here’s why we do what we do. We didn’t just want to give you the opportunity to take the best wellness products in the world. We wanted to give you the opportunity to make your life the best it can be. And this includes having physical health as well as financial health, so you can buy what all of us really want: freedom to do what we want, when we want.

We’re Different

So yes, it’s different. But here’s the best part. USANA understands direct selling just as much as it understands nutritionals. Which is, we get it. In fact, we’re the best at what we do, and we can prove it. We win awards for our products, and we win awards for our business opportunity.
Our focus on personalization—in our product line and with owning a USANA business—allows you to think about your personal choices in life and how your everyday behaviors have an impact on your overall quality of life. Your Health. Your Life. Your Way.
How did we get started? It’s actually a great story.

Where We Come From

We’ve got history. Not baggage.
We’ve been around since 1992, so we’re experienced (we’ve heard that’s a plus). And we look great for our age.
Plus, we have substance to go along with our great looks. We’ve got top-notch manufacturing facilities, our own scientists and research and development team, and the highest standards for our nutritional products. We have an award-winning compensation plan and award-winning products. We don’t like to brag, but we come pretty highly recommended.
That’s because we got off on the right foot.

We were founded by a scientist—not a corporate suit.

USANA’s founder, Myron Wentz, is an internationally recognized microbiologist, immunologist, and pioneer in infectious disease diagnosis. In 1974, he founded Gull Laboratories to develop viral diagnostics, and his greatest successes during this time included the first commercially available diagnostic test for Epstein-Barr virus, better known as the virus that causes mononucleosis.

But success was never Myron Wentz’ only aim. Instead,he centered his life around a dream of a world free from pain and suffering. A world free from disease.And he founded USANA to help further his dream by providing people all over the world with the most advanced supplements science can produce.
This is why USANA is a company based on continuous product innovation. This is why we have stringent manufacturing processes, ongoing scientific research, and an insatiable drive to produce exceptional products. This is why USANA is trusted by professional athletes, Olympians, and also everyday people who believe health is a vital part of a long, happy life.

5 Things You Should Know About USANA

  1. Quality is USANA’s top priority. Quality products, quality manufacturing and a quality business opportunity. USANA manufactures many of its products in a state-of-the-art facility to ensure that ingredients are sourced properly, that the formulas developed in USANA’s laboratories are produced consistently and that the same process is followed each time manufacturing begins. That quality carries over to the end product—USANA has been recognized by numerous third-parties as the highest quality products you can find.
  2. USANA pays. In addition to high-quality manufacturing and products that help people around the world maintain their health, USANA has paid out over $2.5 billion in commissions. That’s a big, impressive number that has meant change in the lives of so many working their own home-based business.
  3. Building on previous charitable efforts and partnerships, USANA has created the USANA True Health Foundation, a worldwide, nonprofit organization.
  4. Team USANA, founded in 1999, is home to over 700 world class athletes including players in the NFL, WTA, Summer and Winter Games medalists and championship boxers. These athletes use USANA products with confidence backed by a million dollar guarantee.
  5. USANA is a great place to work. In fact, USANA has been named “Best Place To Work” In America for six consecutive years by OUTSIDE Magazine
There are so many reasons why USANA is not just another direct selling business. We’re in the business of changing lives for the better. And we’re really, really good at it. If this wasn’t enough to answer the question “What Is USANA?”, then take a couple of minutes to watch this video and get to know us a little better.


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